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About CartridgeStockMarket

BursaDeCartuse (CartridgeStockMarket) is one of the largest projects in the industry. The marketplace platform aims to bring together the world’s largest players in the production of consumables for inkjet and laser printers.

BursaDeCartuse, a seller within this platform, directly represents the interests of the largest producers worldwide in the sense that they cannot invoice from their warehouses in Europe and deliver from Romania, because they should register for VAT purposes, so that BursaDeCartuse invoices and collects on their behalf, at their producer price.

BursaDeCartuse promotes the best known brands worldwide. We choose for you the most powerful brands that we recommend in a selection "BursaDeCartuse". The selection is suggested by the "BursaDeCartuse" packaging.

BursaDeCartuse is one of the main Sky Group franchisees, thus benefiting from a wide expertise in the field.